Saturday, May 31, 2008

Treetop Flyer

This morning my car dealership called at 6am to tell me it might be time for an oil change. Grrrrr! I'll have to call them and figure a way for them to NOT call me, seeing as I won't be going to Woburn for servicing and I don't want them calling me when it's 'safe' on their time, because chances are it isn't a great time for me!

Anyway, I was looking something up this morning and I happened to see that there's an air show at Elmendorf at the end of June, which led me to look info about that up, which somehow led to watching Youtube videos of prev elmendorf air shows. While I was there I remembered this video I saw once that's pretty neat. It's this private pilot flying along a river below the tree line and the video is set to Treetop Flyer, a good song and also extremely fitting. I don't know the full history offhand, but treetop flyers are guys that flew really low in the vietnam war to stay off of radar. I'm hesitant to say so, but I think they may have found a use for their odd skills when back home and it may have had something to do with moving illegal cargo, as in drugs. I'm not sure if that's truth or if I'm just picking that up from the lyrics. I've read about the treetop flyers before but I'm not sure what's true and what's not in my head because I'm mushing it up with the lyrics. Either way, this video is awesome. This guy flying has quite a set of cojones.


Eckarah said...

I watched a discovery channel show about a pilot that was in rough times and started to smuggle drugs into the country. He would fly in low so that radar wouldn't pick him up, and "land" at a local runway but not really land. He would do it so that it looks like he just took off from that airport and then land at another. Really quite ingenious to see all the things he did... Can't remember any details but it was a famous drug smuggling case because of the sheer volume smuggled..

tara said...

I think I saw something about that at some point. was he landing in florida? I just remember them talking about him flying low and flying way out over the ocean or something.

Eckarah said...

yup, thats the one... i think it was pennsylvania though

Anonymous said...

Get me your mailing address, I have something for you. Sort of a gag gift, you'll like it!

tara said...

I actually am not sure what my mailing address is down on the Kenai - it's a PO box. We'll find out tomorrow or the next day what that is and I'll post it then. I could give you the Anchorage address, but it would take forever to get down to me from here. I'll send a broadcast email once I know.

Eckarah said...

speaking of mailing address, did you get the pictures i mailed you from Tyler??? he was very proud of his work!

tara said...

Yes, I did get it!! I loved it - the hand and footprints are great. I'm just imagining you doing that part with him. I bet he loved it. It's going on my fridge tomorrow when I get down to my shack.

tara said...
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Eckarah said...

He did love it! I'm sure we will send more as we make them...