Friday, May 16, 2008

It IS a Small World

Today I saw a little moose (as if any of them are little) by the road. He wasn't a baby, but he definitely wasn't full grown. Just a kid. I didn't stop to take a picture because there were other people stopped and I didn't want to have to talk to them. Sometimes I'm really social like that. I'm told I'll see moose a lot more when I'm down at the cabins. At the rate I'm going that's going to be a lot of moose.

Last night, or early this morning (I woke up to them here, so I'm not sure), two guys came to stay. They were stuck in the airport with no place to go and happened to see a pamphlet for the B&B so they called and Frenchy picked them up. I woke up to banging and just figured it was someone that came to do some work. Nope, it was the guests. They were tearing down something in the basement Frenchy has been meaning to get rid of. Turns out the pamphlet they saw in the airport was dated for the winter and had winter rates on it, which is why they called. Frenchy knew a good opportunity when she saw one so she gave them the winter rate anyways and put them to work. Too funny. She left me a note saying I could put them to work with anything I needed help with, but I figured I'd let them be, they'd done enough. Plus they were probably tired.

I asked the boys where they're from and I thought they both replied they were from Austin. They said it again and I realized one said Austin and the other said Boston! He's from Billerica, too. I used to be in Billerica a lot for work so we talked about this good food place there. What a small world.


Eckarah said...

The salad place across from the office???

tara said...

That's the one. Although I never did do the salad bar there. I always got those chicken things they did.

Anonymous said...

Thought "It IS a Small World" was appropriate. Saw Inga yesterday at Stop & Shop and told her about your journey. Gave her your Blog Site, hope she leaves you stuff to read!
Stay Safe, Love you