Thursday, May 29, 2008

Airport Park

I'm at Airport Park right now, which is where I took the sunset and air force pictures. I could sit here for hours. I actually do, too, reading and things. It's a great spot because of the scenery. There are multiple layers of mountains at varying distances and I can see downtown just across the water. It's also neat because of the Air Force planes doing their thing. There are also the airlines and private pilots to watch because the airport is right behind me. I'd hate to be an air traffic controller here with all the flying going on. Air force, commercial airlines, private pilots, flightseeing, helicopters. . . The airspace is somewhat separated, but still, what a clusterF*&$. They say on a clear day I'll be able to see Denali from here, but I have yet to see it. I think. There's also good people watching and oh dear lord two old people are making out in the car in front of me. Maybe I couldn't sit here for hours on second thought. I watched them pull in and park across the way then the guy got out and got in the back of the van and I was confused for a minute. I'm not confused anymore. Jeesh, if you're going to do that at least have tinted windows or curtains or something. Okay, now they're not just making out. I'll have to finish this post later. I just looked to my right and there's a chunky guy leaning over showing half his butt. So much for good scenery and people watching today. . . I'm going to go throw up now.

I'll tell you about Earthquake park later, which is where I was headed with this post until I was visually violated

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Visually violated, that's good!!!