Friday, May 30, 2008

B&B Guests/Being a Social Butterfly

Yesterday a family from Wisconsin came in. He's a Philosopher, mountain climber and bike rider. She's an artist. Their daughter is an 'adventurer' in Urdi language training who will be headed to India later in the year. The people that come to B&Bs are just so damned interesting. They come from all over the place, too. Later in the month the place is really overbooked because of the mayor's marathon they have here. We've had to turn down a lot of people, but then Jacques from France came along with his accent and Frenchy couldn't say no. Haha! There are more people headed here now from the airport. Can't wait to see what they're like. The chipper Seattle guy checked out today so I don't get to hear any more singing in the shower. quick note about that: this morning he didn't know I was home so while he was cooking some eggs he was belting out some songs again. Hysterical. The couple from Texas checked out this morning, too. I felt bad last night - their door knob broke in the morning so I replaced it with a new one in the evening when Frenchy bought a new one. It was a different kind of knob that had a metal plate I needed to chisel out a little place for in the wood of the door. The only problem was that Frenchy couldn't find her chisel, so I did it with a utility knife, which was. . . interesting. Luckily the door was made of a pretty lightweight/soft wood. By the time I finished that 'chiseling' they were back and had to wait for me to finish putting their knob on. whoops.

Frenchy is such a social butterfly, which is great with all the different types of people circulating around here. I'm actually learning a lot from her personality. For instance, last night at that auction she was bidding on a trip for two. This guy close to us was bidding on it as well, so she turned to him and said, "If you quit now I'll take you with me. . ." and she meant it, too! She didn't end up winning the trip, but after that another two person trip came up so she turned to him again and said, "deal's still on, I'll pay half if you win." It's like she's got no shame, but in a good way. You shouldn't have shame about meeting people! Another thing that happened is when we first got there we walked around the room and said hello to a few people at different tables, all people I thought Frenchy knew because of the way she was interacting with them. I realized later she didn't know any of them beforehand, she just walked up and said hello. It wasn't weird or anything because this is sort of a networking/marketing event so you're supposed to do that. The thing about it that really struck me was that after we'd met a few people and were looking for a place to sit and eat she said, "okay, where should we sit, " and she looked past several open spots and continued, "we can't sit with anyone we know already." She found a four person table with two strangers and sat right down and introduced herself. I tend toward familiarity while she pushes the limits.

I'm just not good at being personable at times. I'm very personable once I know you, but in most situations I hold back a lot if there are strangers around. I can't figure out to this day why in the hell I'm like that, but Frenchy is a good example of why and how not to be like that. Pretty much I just need to not give a damn what people think, which is a hard nut to crack.


Eckarah said...

You were born that way. I was too...

Anonymous said...

Tard is the social butterfly! I moved around so much as a kid, I had to learn to meet people. It's easy for me to talk to anyone and I could care less what they think as you well know. Frenchy sounds like an extremely interesting person.
Stay Safe!
I Love You!

Eckarah said...

I would say you are more social than I am... Woohoo right???