Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Newfound Love for My Shack

I just had an odd moment. It's 2:20am right now. The doorbell rang then Frenchy's phone rang (it does a little half ring at the house then forwards to her cell phone) then the doorbell etc. Frenchy didn't wake up, but I was still awake so I got the door. It was an older gentleman that seemingly had a reservation. I asked him several times which room he reserved so that I could put him in the right place but I couldn't get a straight answer and/or he didn't seem to know. I finally just put him in a room that isn't technically one of the B&B rooms, but is made up like one. I didn't want to mess up any other possible reservations if he's staying more than one night.

He asked about the cabins on the Kenai because he's going fishing down there, which is a bonus. I introduced myself and started to tell him that I would be hostess down there, at which point he interrupted me and said he's slightly hard of hearing (which explains the earlier reservation miscommunication), he's going to bed and doesn't want breakfast in the morning, but wake him up if he isn't up by 9am. . . then he waved and scurried off to bed without another word. So, I have no idea if I just gave some guy a free nights stay or what. I left Frenchy a note about it that she'll find in the morning. He was already in bed and I didn't see any point in waking her. She leaves for work at 8:30, so if he isn't up by then I'll probably have to figure out the payment and reservation issues? I put in my note that I'm not sure what the deal is with his payment etc., so hopefully he'll be up before she leaves or she'll wake him up.

I was juuuuust about asleep when he rang. I let it go for a few minutes because I figured it was better if Frenchy greeted the guest because she'd know of reservations and rates, etc. Once I opened the door it all happened so fast that there wasn't a chance to wake her until after he was in his room with the door closed and in bed. Now I'm wide awake thinking I may have just let a wacko in that's on stop number 1 of his Great Alaskan B&B Axe Murdering Spree. I think maybe I could never run a B&B because I don't initially trust people enough to feel comfortable with them sleeping in my house while I'm sleeping defenseless. The doors all have locks, but still, what if this is stop number 1 on his Great Alaskan B&B Stealing Spree? I'm just really glad that it isn't B&B style down at the cabins. It is and it isn't. It is in the sense that we'll be doing breakfast. It isn't in the sense that I'm not staying in the same dwelling as the guests. I now officially love my little shack!

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