There's this Swedish band I like that pretty much nobody I know has heard of, but I like 'em. They're building a studio, I think in Stockholm, and they

had a contest to find a painting, or paintings to put up in their studio. They asked for a painting of the band, but you could do whatever you wanted. I took pictures of a few of my paintings, not of the band, and sent them in. I had most of them painted already, except for one. The contest ended at the end of March and I didn't see anything about the winner before I came up here. This morning I got an email saying that I won!! I couldn't believe it!
I'm still not sure which painting won because I entered the contest twice, with two paintings each time. One of the cool parts of the contest is that you get to name your price for the painting and get creative with it. It's isn't a price in terms of money, it can be whatever else you

want. Like tickets to their next show in your hometown, or coffee with the band, or a big ol' bag of their merchandise etc. It just has to be reasonable, and they'll decide if it is or not. I can't figure out what to set the 'price' as. It seems they tour the US about every other year in the summer and spend the rest of their time touring the rest of the world. Who knows when they'll be back in Boston, so don't know if I should go with the ticket option. In the original email I told them I'd be happy just to have the painting there, which is true, but they asked me anyways what I want. Oye, decisions, decisions.
Two of the four are in the right margin.
You should tell them about your toilet problem, maybe they will buy you one.
Ha! that made me laugh.
So thats what you did all winter. How big are the paintings? Ask them when they are coming to Boston.
The tree is 11X14 and the other one is 16X20
That's awesome Tara! Always knew you were a gifted little kid. Congratulations!!
I Love You!
Cool pictures Tara! Greg wants to know the name of the band. He said you should get tickets and backstage passes.
Mando Diao! Awesome band
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