Saturday, May 31, 2008

Help a Sister Out

I've already discussed the painting contest I won, however, I don't think I went into too much detail about it (knowing me, that's probably not true). I need some outside help with this whole deal:

For the competition, if you win, you get to choose anything you want from the band within reason. Who knows what within reason means, right? They figured instead of having a set prize they'd let you pick your own. Anyway, in the contest rules they gave examples, like you could ask for a bunch of band merchandise, or backstage passes, or coffee with the band next time they're in town, etc. I entered four paintings and I wasn't initially sure which one had won when they notified me of the win. Turns out they want ALL of them! I'm more than happy to hand 'em over, but can't figure out what to ask for. They said I can pick more than one thing if I want, since more than one painting won. To be honest, I'm really just happy that they like them enough to want to put them in their studio, which I told them when I entered, but they asked what I wanted in return despite.

Any suggestions? PLEASE, oh please, throw some ideas at me, here. I've had a few ideas, but I'm really at a loss as to what to ask for!


Eckarah said...

Plane & concert tickets to a show in Sweden. And may as well add some hotel accomodations in there as well.

Bry says to ask for $1000/painting.

Unknown said...

Ask them when they are coming to USA and where. If they are coming somewhere near ask for tickets hotel transportation backstage passes etc. I think if you find their schedule you can go from there. Are all your paintings here?

Unknown said...

You could still do the toilet thing.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how famous or rich they are. They might not have a small fortune. I do not know how many albums, excuse me, CDs they have out, but you could ask for their entire CD set autographed and perhaps tickets and backstage passes to a Boston concert!

Anonymous said...

Love You, Dad

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dave. Have them autograph all their CD's and get backstage passes when they're around here or wherever you are when they go on tour.

Anonymous said...

Your a smart girl Judi

tara said...

The stats:
It seems they're very well known in Japan, Germany (not in a light up jacket hoff way) and Sweden, but they're really an international band with fans allover europe, china and south america. The only place that's not smart enough to catch on is the US! They don't have a US tour planned right now - they toured last summer, so hopefully next summer?
They have 4 albums out and I'm assuming since they're building a studio they plan on working on a 5th.