Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You come here?

Today I called erica to have her send me some sunflower seed butter because I can't get it here. Trader Joe's makes the best sunflower seed butter. I looooooove it. It's just like peanut butter, but made with sunflower seeds.
She put Tyler on the phone and he didn't even say hi, the very first thing he said was, "you come here?" Awwwwww. Poor little guy. I told him not yet, but soon. It's funny that he's at an age where he'd ask a question like that on his own. He obviously doesn't fully understand why I'm gone or where I am, but it's cute he'd tell me to come over. I should be home for his 3rd birthday in September, so that'll be good. He started to tell me about the firetrucks he saw at the 4th of July parade and then he hung up on me by accident. Got a little too excited about the trucks!

Oh, I went to eat at a good restaurant with Frenchy tonight. I'll write about that tomorrow, though, I'm tired.


Eckarah said...

Sorry Tara. Tyler just tried to call you on my phone. He thinks he can play with it all the time now. So, yeah, what time is it there, 2:30am?? Ooops...

Eckarah said...

On it's way! I bought one for myself to give it a try...

tara said...

mmmmm, it's gooood. I saw that missed call, so it did ring, which is a big surprise with the crappy service here. It didn't wake me up, though. I still crack up every time I see that picture in my phone that he took of himself when I left my phone at your house and he kept it for his own personal use. still surprised he knows how to take pictures with it.