Friday, July 11, 2008

Racism Lives

I'm amazed by the amount of racism I've witnessed here. I've come across more than a few that hate black people, and for no good reason. One of them actually tried to justify it to me by using the example that when he was growing up, they stayed on their side of town and he stayed on his side and it just worked that way. What?!?! I've never met someone who honestly believed in segregation. I want to yell and scream and tell them how illogical they sound, but there's no sense even arguing with them. They're set in their ways, and the very fact that their feelings are illogical is what makes it a lost cause. How can you reason with illogical beliefs?
They seem to feel that all black people take advantage of gov't programs and take handouts. That's just ridiculous to generalize an entire race. If they opened their eyes they'd see that people of all races continually take hand outs from the gov't, and THOSE are the people we need to be mad at, regardless of the color of their skin.
I just can't understand it. It's been bred into them to hate. It makes me cringe to think that they're raising children of their own, probably with the same ideals.

I realize I'll probably take a lot of heat for this next train of thought, because for the same reason you shouldn't shun people based on skin color, you also shouldn't favor them. Anyways, it's people like this in the world that will (in part) make me vote for Barack Obama. I don't agree with everything he stands for, but I'd be hard pressed to find a single politician who I did agree with on all counts. Usually when I feel I'm being forced to choose the lesser of two evils, I don't and I just do a write in vote. Bush vs. Gore. . . I voted for Bill Simmons, The Sports Guy. I actually like Obama and don't feel I'm picking the lesser of two evils. If Hillary had won, I would be doing a write in vote this year again. People say this election shouldn't be about race, etc, but that aspect can't be denied. There's so much tension in this country from idiots like the ones I've met here that raise their kids to be intolerant and blind to the way the world works. I, for one, would LOVE to see a black president elected, even more so than a female one. That would be one wonderfully perfect giant FU to all of the racist idiots out there.


Anonymous said...

Let me guess who would give you heat for that.....ummmmm...Dad???
Just vote your conscience.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I'd vote for a black person if that person was like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas or Condi Rice. But Obama is to the left of Dukakis, McGovern or Castro. He's a scary person!!!!! I mean what I say and I say what I mean!!

bufro said...

i think i'm afraid of Obama too. I was thinking i'd vote for him BUT the more i learn about him the less i think i can morally do it.
It's a write in year for me.

this poor country is falling.