Monday, July 21, 2008

The reds are in! And so are the guests.

This place is crazy right now! The salmon come through here in runs, which is when they spawn, so it'll be dead on the river and suddenly there are thousands of fish coming through. The other day there were 2000 coming through every hour! Wow. There are 4 different types of salmon in the river, so there's fishing pretty much throughout the summer because each type has a few runs. The reds are the big ones, so people go crazy around here for them.

News travels fast about their arrival. The other day it was all I heard about. "the reds are in, the reds are in!" Every time I hear someone say that I always think, "the redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming!" I'm definitely from Boston. Since then, the population has seriously swelled around here. There is nonstop traffic. Not real traffic, it's just that there are a lot more cars around - the main road is always buzzing. There's river access right on our road, so there have been a lot of trucks parked around here to go fishing. Soldotna ('town' to me) is crazy busy. I went to the grocery store today and boy was that a mistake. Wall to wall people. It's just amazing how this place suddenly gets a pulse when the fish are in.

I considered going fishing tonight, but decided against it because I'm extremely tired. Kevin and Ed moved out of their cabin because we had a group coming in that was slated to stay there, which means I spent half the day getting it ready for the group's arrival. Boys are messy. It was the 'Bruce Bustamante group' that was arriving. What a name! Bruce was in charge of the chamber of commerce, or something like that. He's now the director of Princess Cruises Tours. . . or something like that. Wow, I'm so detail oriented! I just can't remember the specifics, but Frenchy told me, "If you're gonna suck up to anyone, he's the one," because of the possible Princess Cruises perks. Yeah. . . no thanks. I'm going to treat him like I would any guest! He seems like a nice enough guy, but I didn't really get to talk with them much, so we'll see.

We also have another guest, Matt, that just arrived tonight. I like how he ended up here. He had a flight issue with a connection and he didn't want to wait so he told them to just give him a connection through Anchorage for a few days. . . because he had never been to Alaska. He came yesterday and stayed at the B&B for a night and when he mentioned he was thinking of going fishing, Frenchy told him to come on down here, so here he is. Frenchy kept telling me that he's cute and that she told him to tip me. . . then she said, "who knows, maybe he'll tip you by taking you out to dinner!" Ever the matchmaker she is. I need to break her of that habit. She knows I'm not looking, but she's the type that figures a date is good for dinner if nothing else. I'm just not that type. If I'm not interested, I'm not going to pretend that I am! Even if I were looking, this guy just isn't my type. Not in the least. He's good looking, but that alone just doesn't cut it for me. He's attractive, but I'm not attracted to him. Follow me? I just don't understand people that can go on looks alone. There has to be substance!

Frenchy will be down tomorrow. It's her birthday and she's ordered me to create a to-do. I told her I'd give her a s'more. She told me she needed a cake and presents and cards and, and, and. I told her that I don't really do birthdays. She repeated her requests. I told her she's not supposed to ask for a birthday celebration. She told me that she knew I'd take care of it without her asking, but she didn't want to be disappointed so she figured she'd doublecheck with me. So tomorrow I have to go buy a cake. . . and I'm thinking of making the guys wear cheesy party hats while they work. I hate pretending to act excited for people's birthdays. They just don't excite me for some reason. Some birthdays excite me I guess, but most don't. My own birthday doesn't even excite me. I woudn't be surprised if I forget my own birthday someday. Seriously. I just hate when people expect to be treated like royalty and given freebies on their birthday. "But, it's my birthday," is one of the worst lines ever uttered. I'm not a complete birthday grinch, I mean, I like a good birthday celebration and all because I like that it's an excuse for people to get together. I just don't like when it's an excuse to grovel at the feet of a person because it's the anniversary of their birth. Who says I want to celebrate that fateful day you were spawned?! Okay, maybe I am a grinch. Whatever.


Eckarah said...

i bet it's cool to see the fish come in. and do something for her birthday. i know, people use it as an excuse. like the people that don't work on their birthdays... that's just wierd to me.

bufro said...

we just never made big to-do's about birthdays. it was all about the cool card you picked out.