Thursday, July 3, 2008

Swampscott Fireworks

Fireworks tonight at home in the Swamp. First time I've ever been away for them! For those unfamiliar, it's a huge deal in Swampscott. They shut down the road that runs along the beach and the entire town shows up for the fireworks, more often than not with drinks in hand. It's just a big 'ol party. I've been looking around to see if they have any festivities around here, but I can't find any fireworks. I mentioned it to Kevin and he brought it to my attention that I was forgetting that it's light out all the time here. . . duhhhh. Fireworks wouldn't be so great during the day. They're legal here, so maybe I'll buy myself some sparklers like the cool kid I am. Everything is legal in Alaska. I think there is stuff going on tomorrow in town, so I might go check that out.

The roof may be on the new cabin by tomorrow, so maybe we'll be able to have a topping off party for the 4th. I'll probably still go into town to see what's going on. I'm assuming it'll be party time. The way I understand it is that the people who live here work hard for 9 months so they can party for 3 in the summer. Sounds good to me!

Everyone take some fun pictures for me tonight and enjoy! Don't miss me tooooo much.

I forgot to mention this before - when I helped out with the Solstice Festival a few weeks ago this car pulled in that had an Obama sticker and someone commented, "ooooh, we have an Obama supporter." I was a bit confused at first, but upon questioning I found that politically Alaska is the complete opposite of Massachusetts. Democrats can't get no lovin' in Alaska. Her reaction to the Obama sticker was the exact reaction that someone from home would have to a George W sticker. A few days after that conversation I saw this sign on a tobacco shop and had to take a picture:
In case you can't read it: "Obama smokes reds we have an ally"

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