Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Minnesota Mantown

I finally figured out what the deal was with the Nestles booking. I was confused because it was booked for 4, but I kept seeing different people at different times. I was really wondering if I was starting to lose my mind or something. Turns out Nestles sent some guys on a fishing trip as a pat on the back and they had a big pow-wow here one night. After the pow-wow, the Nestles guys couldn't stay for the remainder of the trip because something came up. The boss, however, could stay, and he did. He also called his Father, Stepfather and Uncle and told them to come on up to do some fishing for a few days in Alaska because the cabin was paid for anyways, so why not? They were all from Oregon.

The uncle made me laugh because he was sort of incoherent. I was sitting at their table figuring out their bill and he was the only other one in there at the moment, sitting in a chair across the room. He said something I didn't hear, so I replied, "what was that?" and he looked confused that I was asking him what he said. We had one of those awkward exchanges where we What-ed eachother back and forth until I finally said, "I thought you were talking to me, but I didn't hear what you said, so I was just asking you to repeat. . ." His reply was, "I was talking just now?" He was genuinely surprised that he had just been talking. oooooookay then. He was a little odd, but all in all he meant well.

Right now the party animals from Minnesota are sitting by the fire. It's a family trip for the men of the family. The Grandfather, his three sons and two of their kids (The kids aren't little kids, though, they're probably 20 at the youngest). The Grandfather definitely has a favorite Grandkid, though! I see them rolling together often. The other day they knocked on my door just to chat, which was colorful. They're a bit crude, but I kinda like it. They actually remind me of a sector of my own family which I thoroughly enjoy. The grandfather definitely qualifies as a dirty old man, but nothing I can't handle. The other day one of his sons was over asking me about the grill and the grandfather saw from across the way that he was talking to me so he said, "hey! That's my girlfriend!" Yesterday he said, "I like the way those pants are fitting. . ." I gave him a dirty look and shot back, "You're a dirty old man." What a way to talk to a guest, right? His sons got a kick out of that one. They told me I'm absolutely correct and also gave me permission to smack him if I'm so inclined the next time he says something. He's all talk.
Don't worry, all you high anxiety parties out there that are worried about my safety - If he isn't all talk, I'll douse him with pepper spray in a heartbeat!

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