Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cleaning up shop 1

going through looking at pictures and videos from the trip up, trying to delete some that are needless. Here's the only bear I've seen since my journey began. It was in Canada, too. If only I had known how many moose I'd end up seeing. . .

I think this is one of my favorite pictures from the trip up. I just set it as my desktop background. This was from when I first arrived in Alaska - I think I was someplace near the Tok Junction. I was still driving in the few hours it was dark that night and I decided to take a break and sleep for a few hours until it got light out. I was back out on the road really early in the morning and this was the scene greeting me first thing. Talk about a big 'ol Alaska-sized welcome! Make sure you click on it to see the larger size. Much more impressive that way.

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