Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Alaska License?

I was looking up Alaska licensing requirements because Kevin is considering getting one so that he can buy another gun here because they're apparently very cheap. In my search I just found out that if I'm driving in AK for more than 90 days I need to get a license here. whoops. I'm willing to take the written test to get one, but I don't know what effect that will have on my car insurance and other things. I mean, am I an Alaska resident if I have an Alaska license? Do I need to change my insurance and change all sorts of other things to reflect that? Anybody know anything about this stuff? Am I going to have to bother Peter Beatrice again with one of my stupid questions? That poor guy has his hands full with my strange questions. AFTER I had already left for trip and was in Chicago I found out that I needed some proof of insurance card to drive through Canada with, so of course I had to be annoying and ask him about that then finish by saying, "oh, and I'm crossing the border tomorrow. . . and I'm not in Massachusetts right now, I'm in Chicago. . ." What a pain in the rear I am!

Another thing that stinks is that I have to surrender my MA license to get an AK license. Nevermind the fact that when I cross into the Canadian border again and tell them I'm going home and I have an Alaska license they might look at me funny again. Another 3 hour border search isn't something I'm in the market for. If I don't want to surrender my license I have to take the road test. HAHA! That might actually be funny to do. I parallel park like a champ from driving in Boston.

I looked up info about the written test online. It's all stuff I know, I'd just have to study the section about fines and insurance coverage. In one of the sections there's a note at the bottom letting you know that if you kill big game animals with your car that it's the property of the state and you need to immediately call them to let them know. Chances are if you're in an accident with a big game animal, you're not going to be in any shape to hop on the phone and make a call. Guess I can't go hunting with my car. Damn.

One other interesting thing of note is that all Alaska residents get checks every year - their portion of the oil money. They're good-sized checks, too, considering the fact that they don't have to do a thing to get them - at least a few thousand. The requirement is that you're a resident for at least 2 years and that you reside here for at least 6 months in a calendar year. Then the checks roll in. Don't worry, not getting any ideas, here.


Eckarah said...

so, you've been there since about the 11th of May, right? 90 days is early August, so since you are there until the end of August I wouldn't worry too much about it. unless of course the penalty for not being licensed if there for more than 90 days is a big deal... so, what's the penalty??

tara said...

I'm not sure what the penalty is, but I'm assuming it's stiff because I'd be considered an illegal driver, which is never good news. not sure, I've been trying to call them today without luck. We shall see. . .
I'd only be getting the license, not a registration here. . .I think.

Eckarah said...

i think you are opening a huge can of worms by doing that... i'll do some research too!

Eckarah said...

ahh, a can of worms for sure.

need to register your vehicle within 60 days: http://www.state.ak.us/dmv/reg/require.htm

ask frenchy what previous cabin caretakers have done regarding license & registration. only applise if any have brought a car with them.

tara said...

The other people were AK residents.

I'm thinking I'm going to ignore the whole thing. Honestly, I think there are 2 troopers on the whole kenai peninsula. I see law enforcement about once a month (no joke). The cities/towns here don't have a dedicated police force each, they just have the staties. I'll just have to stop speeding. . .down my dirt road. ha!
I'm sure I could get away with just getting the license, but whatever.

Eckarah said...

i'd skip it. it would be kind of neat to have the license, but it means you have to forfeit your MA license, then your into that whole scenario again when you return here...

Unknown said...

skip the license you aren't staying. Your MA insurance will get all messed up.