Saturday, July 5, 2008

I've been searching airfares like a crazy person. I'm weighing my options for the way home, which requires a lot of research. I'm also considering a trip in the Fall to Germany and Austria (which, coincidentally, would take me to Munich during Oktoberfest. . .). Because the airport I fly into isn't cemented, there are so many flight options it's ridiculous. It's especially bad because I don't know which dates I want to go, so I've been searching many many many many combinations.

In my searches I ended up looking around at areas on the Kayak site that I've never looked at before. You know, company info and such. The Chief Tech Architect (or something like that) had a little blurb and at the end he put a little PS in there saying if people want to send him hate mail or the opposite, that if they're clever enough they could probably figure out his email address. Of course I emailed him. I got his address on the first try, too. Really, you didn't need to be clever for this one. He says about 10 people have emailed him the entire 3 years that blurb has been on the site. So there are 9 other nerds like me out there. The funny part is that he lives in MA in the metro west area. In my email I told him I was glad to hear MA gets a neat company - usually companies go to NYC or Cali to feel cool. He informed me that they just bought something in California, so they're a little cool, but as long as he's around they're staying in Mass. Good to hear. I also asked him to smack the airlines around a little for me because the prices are ridiculous.

I thought about replying to his reply, but decided against it beacause his email signature said he's vacationing in Maine. Ehhhhhh, I'll leave the poor guy alone.

Speaking of random email addresses, I'm planning on writing allover the inside of the walls of the cabin that's going up before the insulation goes in. I was thinking I'd put my email address. Years from now if I'm still using that email (or email at all, for that matter) and someone happens to find it, it'd be funny to recieve a random email. Actually, maybe I'll put the address to this blog on there. Who knows if it'll still be floating out in space on the internet when the times comes that anyone would happen to see it, but there's potential. Either that or I'll just write Kilroy was here. Or I'll just write it all. . .

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