Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bubba Gump. . . Salmon?

You know that scene in Forrest Gump where Bubba is telling Forrest all the ways you can prepare shrimp? That's how I feel about Salmon here. These days I constantly feel like I'm in a movie of some sort. In the past week I've come into contact with (haven't eaten all of it, thank you very much) Salmon spread(eww), Salmon Dip(eww), Smoked salmon, salmon with butter and dill, salmon with spinach feta and sundried tomatoes, salmon with coconut batter crust, blackened salmon, salmon pasta salad (eww), and one other type I can't remember the preparation for. I mean, really, people?! I realize this is the salmon fishing capital of the world, but can we calm down a bit? With all the salmon I've seen I'm actually somewhat surprised there isn't a large group here that doesn't like salmon because they're just plain sick of it.

I do have to say, though, that the salmon with feta, sundried tomato and spinach was delicious. I was told it was blue cheese when it was given to me, but that was a lie. I was happy it was feta. Very delicious, which I was a little surprised by because I've been quite limited in my salmon experimentation in the past.

That said, I'm thinking of making some salmon using some ginger I have tonight. Deeeeeelicious. The super fresh salmon here is really just so good. Not a trace of fishy taste at all, it's more meaty. It's possible to get fresh salmon elsewhere, but it's usually frozen, etc. I think the key difference goes beyond freshness, actually. One of the fishermen here was talking about one particularly nice salmon he caught that he'll cook and then some others whose coloring wasn't as great so he would end up smoking those. The guys here catch so many fish that they just pick and choose which they want to keep based on quality, which makes for some damned good eatin'!

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