Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Too fat for the roof

Moose on the side of the road are common here, you know this by now. They're usually foraging along the road or hanging out in the swampy areas. Today I was driving down the road and I came across a. . . white horse?!!? I'm not sure why being white made it weirder, but it did. It was just grazing along the side of the road in an area where I usually see moose. There's a place that does horseback riding, but that's a few miles away, so I doubt a connection. It was a very white horse, against the very dark green background around here. I don't know, it was just odd.

Wow, I went off on a tangent right off the bat. Should have made that a separate post, but I'm too lazy right now. Nevermind the fact that it would be the worst post ever. Onward to the real title topic:

The guys have been joking with me trying to get me to go on the roof of the new cabin. First it was that something needed to be nailed on the corner of the roof over the eave, so I had to do it because I'm the lightest. I told them how much I weigh and they thought I was lying to get out of going on the roof. I told them, no, I actually weigh that much and, no, I'm not going on the roof. They were half joking. Ed, the guy that was doing it if I wasn't, probably would have been thrilled if I went up. Kevin, on the other hand, probably had some reservations. It's his company that's technically building the cabin, which means insurance, which means if I fell off the roof it could spell trouble for all involved. Since then the tasks have gotten more and more ridiculous. The latest one was that I'd have to go on the roof to move the roof panels into place (which are big and heavy and metal) because I'm not an old feeble man like Ed and Kevin. Riiiiiight. So, needless to say, I haven't been on the roof at all. I did, however, buy a cheapo scale today, which serves two purposes. 1. to prove my weight and 2. so we can monitor how fat we get from the amazingly good milkshakes here.
Don't worry, Lindsey, I'm not really going to get fat from milkshakes and ruin your wedding pictures. Bridesmaid dress bridesmaid dress bridesmaid dress. . . (that should be some sort of dieting mantra. I bet there's already some stupid wedding diet out there doing it. If not, mark my words, it'll happen. There's a diet for everything)

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