Thursday, July 10, 2008

6 inches short of sensibility

Just thought I'd let everyone know that the water line they dug up was 3.5 feet deep (remember, was supposed to be 4ft according to one and 8ft according to another and Frenchy thought it was actually 2 feet deep, which is why they dug it up. who knows?!?!), so they're not happy and called Ray Chumley (the septic guy that put it in). I still think it's misguided action. The main water line goes into the center cabin and then branches off from there to feed the cabins on either side. It's one of these 'branches,' which supplies the cabin with water that they dug up. Essentially it's just a water line between two of the cabins, which are probably about 10 ft apart. maybe more, maybe less. I'm never good at guessing those things. Either way, it's a hose, not a pipe, which enters the respective cabins under the cabins just on the inside of the foundation. If you're still following, kudos. I'm trying, here. So, because it's a hose connecting two structures that are 10 ft apart, and it starts on either side right AT the structure, not further underneath the house, naturally it's not going to be extremely deep right next to the houses, because that's where the slope starts, so, it'll only reach extreme depth in the space between the two houses. If they wanted the hose to be full depth (a number which is still debatable) the entire length they'd have to dig to the desired depth right next to the houses where the hose starts and ends, then in the center they'd have to dig EXTREMELY deep. Still following? The reason the center needs to be deeper is because last I checked it's not a good idea to run a hose at a 90degree angle! Draw a picture or something. You'll get what I mean. If it was an actual pipe it wouldn't be a problem because you can dig as deep as you want the line to be and put an elbow joint in so that it runs straight across to the other house at the desired depth. A hose needs to have a graduated slope to it. No harsh turns allowed! Hello, we've all played with garden hoses as kids, right?!

So, either they need to leave it alone because it's done correctly under the circumstances OR the poor septic guy has to dig the whole thing up and either dig really deep in between the two cabins, which may not even be possible if they demand an 8 ft depth the whole way, or he needs to dig underneath the house and extend the length that it runs so that they don't have to deal with such a harsh curve. Great, lets dig underneath the foundation repeatedly or dig a giant gaping hole between the foundations. This is all craziness to me. The best part is that the frost here goes into the ground 8-10ft in a harsh winter season, which makes this adjustment stupid. Things freeze here, especially if they aren't being used. get over it. One other fun fact is that when they did the project it was advised copper pipes be put in because in the event of a freeze they can use electricity to thaw it out. The hoses were put in nonetheless, I'm assuming because of the cost differential. Can't put electricity to one of those hoses, that's for sure!

Can you tell I had a bad day? Very stressed today because there was a whole lot of goings on where people thought they knew best when it came to a subject they have no knowledge of and when you try to explain it to them they won't hear it, either! Trust the experts, especially if they ALL say the same thing! I also didn't get much sleep last night, so I was grumpy by the end of the day, too.

I should really go back and clarify that whole hose between the houses deal, but I'm not going to because that's far too much effort for me right now. It's bed time! The people who care to get it will sort it out I'm sure. I'm assuming nobody really cares about the logistics, really.

After that whole mess I was supposed to go to Home Depot to pick up some things for the electrician and the guys and to try to return something that had a clearence sticker on it from 3 years ago and another thing that didn't have any Home Depot markings on it that's from 3 years ago also. Hmmm, what do you think the chances are that they'll take them back?! NADA. If it's on clearance, they're psyched to get it out of their hair, so they sure as hell aren't taking it back! Nevermind if it's 3 years old with no receipt. The sku (if there's even one on the box) probably doesn't even exist in their system anymore! So, when I angrily got in the truck to go. . . it didn't start. ahhhhhh!!!! The electrician went out to get a new battery for the truck and meanwhile I stewed until it was obvious I was cooked for the day and wasn't going to home depot to do foolish things.

Instead, I decided I wanted pizza for dinner and that would be my last task of the night. I asked the various people where to go and they told me of a place right around the corner. I also had to hit the post office anyways. When I got to the place to order the pizza. . . it was a bar. He asked me if I wanted a drink while I waited, and I said no, I had to go to the post office. When I got back the pizza still had 6-8 minutes to cook. . . BEER TIME. They actually had a beer from a local brewery that I didn't know existed - Kenai River Brewing comany - so I was happy I got to try it. It was actually really good. Plus I got to order a 'small' beer because of the time constraints. haha.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you the contractor?