Friday, July 25, 2008

Wisdom teeth?!?! Try HELL teeth!

One of my wisdom teeth has decided to rear its ugly head.  I had a bad headache yesterday and this morning at 3am I woke up to some serious pain.  I took advil, but it didn't do a thing.  I called an area dentist and they can't take me until monday morning.  ahhh!  The fun part is that my face is swelling because of it, so I look like a one-sided chipmunk.  I was surprised that they wouldn't take me in my current condition.  Isn't it usually dangeous if your face is swelling??  I mean, with the close proximity to so many important structures and everything, it just seems like a bad situation.  I asked them if it's safe to wait until monday and they said to just take advil and I'd be fine.  I don't believe them.  The swelling got worse and worse as the day went on so I went to the doctor to get some antibiotics to get started before I go to the dentist because I'm told they won't treat you if you're too swollen - they'll prescribe antibiotics for a week and then treat you.  I'm not willing to wait that long.  Plus, once again, I don't trust that it would have been okay to wait until monday to start any sort of treatment.  I don't always like my face and my eyes and my brain, but I think I'd like to keep them, thank you.

I just went to a place around the corner and the NP there was extremely helpful.  I called ahead to see if she could prescribe me something and she told me yes and to head over.  When I walked in the door she looked at my face and said, "you're the one that called. . ."   When she went to take my vitals she was surprised to find that my blood pressure was 80/40.  I was dizzy as hell, too, so I laid down for a while.  It was staying at a constant for a while so she wasn't going to let me go without sending me to the hospital; a plan I wasn't a fan of.  I didn't have a fever (probably care of advil) and my heart rate was okay so I wasn't going into shock or anything.  We figured I was having trouble because I hadn't really eaten anything the whole day (I spent a good part of the day drugged, making up sleep missed during the night).  She gave me hot cider and a peanut butter sandwich, which seemingly did the trick because my BP went back up to the usual 100/60, which is low to start with, really.  Phew.  She also gave me a shot in my butt.  I don't remember the name, but it was pretty much liquid advil.  I don't think I've ever had a shot in my butt before.  What fun I've been missing.  It feels like someone kicked me in the backside.

So, I'm pretty much a mess.  I love dental bills!  They're so awesomely expensive!  All around good times here!  I can't wait until tomorrow when I get to talk to guests with my giant chipmunk cheek.  My favorite comment so far was when Kevin said to take a good look in the mirror, because the left side of my face is what I'll look like pregnant.  This was before the swelling got really bad, but it was still pronounced.  Who knew an impacted wisdom tooth had such great birth control potential?

1 comment:

Eckarah said...

a pregnant swollen face! not everyone's face swells up when pregnant... but i will say, the butt shot really does hurt. i've had to have one after each delivery, fun stuff. good luck with the dentist.