Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Small town Trapper

The small town aspects of this place are starting to show. . .
A son of a Spenard Builder's Supply (SBS) employee was hired to help out with the new cabin. He's been helping hang drywall and do other things around. He and I went to the dump (He can't drive yet) and on the way back we were talking about the music in the area. Turns out he has similar taste in music so we were talking about the selection of stations here. I told him I've only found ONE station that's tolerable. I told him which one and it turns out that someone he knows of is the morning DJ - someone by the name of Trapper. When I commented, he said that Trapper isn't actually the kid's name and when he said that it pinged something in me. Turns out it's the same Guy that works at The Crossing that Frenchy and I saw just standing out front, practically in the parking lot, with a podium.

I don't think I went into much detail about it. On the way into the restaurant we asked him what he was doing and he told us he was security, but in a joking tone. We never did find out exactly what his real purpose was. On the way out of the restaurant Frenchy went to get the car while I went to the bathroom. When I came out she was just getting to the car, which was all of 15 feet away. I asked her what she was up to and she told me she was talking to the 'security guard,' and was excited to tell me his name was Trapper and that he didn't know his real name because everyone has called him Trapper for so long. I asked her what his last name is because the last name can make or break the first name sometimes (Bruce Bustamante, Ray Chumley. . . both great names). She didn't know so she pulled up to him on the way out and made me ask. Normally I would just go about my merry way and not ask such a question, but not when Frenchy's involved! He told us his last name and it didn't really fit with Trapper as well as I was hoping it would, so I asked him his real name. He told me the same thing he told her so I just repeated, "so, what's your real name?" He leaned in and lowered his voice like he was revealing a state secret and said, "Leon J Important IV," or something like that. As you can see, I don't remember the full name, just that his first name was Leon and he had a roman numeral and it sounded like a very regal and distinguished name. He just goes by Trapper, though. So Alaska. Gotta love it.

Coming from a small town myself, it's interesting to start to see here that everyone does know everyone else just like at home. There are always people whose reputation preceeds them in small towns, and it seems like this Trapper character is one of those. Maybe, maybe not.

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