Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nestle makes the very best. . . coupons

I've been a big mess this weekend. The day after my wisdom tooth trouble began I had to changeover 2 cabins and get them ready for arrivals, which means a very full day. That was NOT fun at all. I was all woozey from the pain pills and the antibiotics were making me nauseous. The unfortunate part was that I had to move a whole bunch of stuff, too. There was a group of guys in Bear cabin that had to move to King Salmon cabin for their last night here because they wanted a bigger cabin, but there was a conflict on the last day of their stay so they agreed to move to the smaller cabin for that last night when they initially made the reservation. Frenchy told me to have them move an extra twin bed over there so they had enough beds. Uhhhh, I don't think so. I'm not going to make guests move a bed so that they have a place to sleep. These people are on VACATION, and should be treated as such!

The other issue was that there were people in King Salmon that would be checking out the day that the guys had to move in. Checkout is at 11am and the guys are usually off fishing really early in the morning and get back late. There were also guests arriving to the cabin they were vacating, and checkin time is at 3pm. There wasn't anything I could do but move all of their stuff over to the new cabin for them because they'd be gone in that window of opportunity between 11am and 3pm. To be honest, I probably would have done it even if there wasn't such a time crunch and they weren't off fishing through it. They're GUESTS. It sucks that they had to move to a new cabin partway through their stay, so I'd like to make it easier on them if at all possible! They had a LOT of stuff. Ed helped move the heavy stuff, which was a huge help. They had a lot of food and fishing gear with them, so it was just a lot of little stuff after that. Ed and Jeff (kid helping guys out with cabin) moved a rollaway bed into the cabin for me, too. It's nice to have helpful guys around. I'm glad this cabin is being built now! It would have taken me an awfully long time to move all of that luggage and that rollaway into the cabin on my own.

That group of guys was from Nestle and one was from Pierce Cartwright, Co. - I'm not 100% sure what the connection was. One is the agent or something. . . either way, it was a company trip. One of them saw coffeemate in one of the cabins and mentioned that they sell it. Of course Kevin asked if that means he has lots of free coffeemate to give us! He actually said he'd bring over a bunch of manufacturers coupons, too. I found out the next day that he did, in fact, bring over the coupons but Frenchy took all but two of them, which Kevin had to work to get from her. SHE DOESN'T EVEN DRINK COFFEE!! What the HELL!?!? I'm the one working my butt off, here, (Ed, too) moving all of their stuff and trying to make their stay pleasant and, meanwhile, I'm all doped up on narcotics that make me woozey and antibiotics that make me nauseous. JEESH! I am not feeling the love, here.

It may sound silly, but in the future if I'm looking to buy creamer I'll probably be getting coffeemate over international delight. These guys have been great here and when I come across good people and then find out they sell something, I'll be a lot more likely to buy it in the future. I pick up a flavored creamer on occasion and I've never had any preference between the big two brands - it was always about which flavor sounded the most interesting to me at the time.

Alright, I have to call it quits, I've complained enough. Also, if I sit for too long I start to doze off. I'm assuming it's the pills, but it's still ridiculous because I slept from 3am-noon last night (right through my 9am dose of pills, which means the pain is back). The antibiotics are finally taking care of the swelling, but it was looking pretty bad there for a few days. The doc said that the antibiotics might make it swell more before it gets better and that was certainly the case. My cheek was so swollen it gave me a black eye! It's just the beginning stages of the black eye, so I still have hope that it won't be too pronounced. Oye.

Okay, now I'm done complaining.


Eckarah said...

Not liking Frenchy all that much these days?? Love the title, aren't you just so clever...

tara said...

yeah, she frustrates me a bit. The natives are getting restless.

The only thing is that I think that Nestles ad is too old for most people to understand the title. I think we just know it because of that commercials CD you had back in the day.