Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bathroom reading material

Oh, wait, one more thing. My favorite part of moving their stuff from one cabin to the next was their bathroom reading material. Penthouse! Later on one of them apologized for the magazine and I told him not to worry about it at all, I actually read about how guys are supposed to try to meet me and pick me up. He laughed. . . then asked if the article had any good pointers. haha! I really only read the first paragraph, because I was busy, but I thought it might be a funny read. I only got through step 1, which said to go to a coffee house and immediately ask a girl if she's single. I disagree with that theory. If a guy asks me if I'm single before even saying hello, I'm immediately on my guard. That tells me he knows absolutely nothing about me except that he likes my ass (insert any body part. . . legs, chest, etc.) and would really like the chance to get to know it better. I mean, really, a few seconds of dialog could prevent the guard from going up instantly. Even just pleasant small talk reveals some personality and character almost instantly.

Bathroom reading material in general cracks me up. I don't read in the bathroom, so I don't fully get it. I mean, penthouse in the bathroom is a whole different ballgame, and we're not gonna go there. Reading in the loo while you're sitting on the commode is just funny to me. Maybe it's because I have ADD, but I can't fathom doing both at once. Eh, probably just me.

1 comment:

Eckarah said...

we have remodeling magazines in our bathroom, they don't make for very interesting reading material... and i agree, don't just ask the girl if she's single.