Saturday, June 28, 2008

Smiley Rock Road

The unpaved road that connects my street to the paved main road is called Huske Rd. If you call it by name around here, most people won't know

what you're talking about. If you call it Smiley Rock Rd, they'll instantly understand. That's because of this little guy on the side of the road:

As if that isn't enough character, someone has recently been having a lot of fun on the road. First we just had a sign telling us not to feed the bears, which I assumed was from someone getting angry about people leaving fish by the river or something. Upon closer examination I realized it was a joke because it's signed by "Park Ranger McGillicuddy." Then there was a stuffed panda down the road a bit. Then someone added a moose to the tree the sign is on. Now there are stuffed animals everywhere. There are even two of them playing see-saw in the woods on a downed tree.

On the back of the sign it says "ya all come back now!"

It's too bad I don't have some sort of Red Sox stuffed animal I could plant someplace along the way. Why not, right?

I just wonder if it's one set of people doing it or if others have started to join in on the fun.


bufro said...

i can send you a sox bear. i think i have a beanie baby one... would that be too small?

tara said...

yeah, duuuuuude, send me what you've got!

Eckarah said...

i've got a sox onesie, that could be put on a big bear!

tara said...

That would actually be funny to put on one of the existing bears!

Anonymous said...

A Boston Bruin bear is on it's way!! How cool would that be?
Stay Safe
I Love You

Eckarah said...

i'll dig for it and send it your way along with your charger. anything else you need or want?!

tara said...

Nope, just the charger. Unless you want to mail me Tyler, Lilly. I'd gladly accept them.

Eckarah said...

well, we could work something out there... i actually considered coming for a visit with both of them, but it is just not practical for me to travel with two kids for a quick trip to alaska. just makes no sense.

tara said...

yeah, traveling with kids isn't easy, especially so far. The flights are loooong.