Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Crossing

First off, the dinner I had last night. We (Frenchy and I) went to a place that's right on the river and has a beautiful view. It's the most upscale restaurant in the area, and the building is really nice, with big high exposed beams. Even though it's the upscale restaurant, there's still no dress code. That's so Alaska. Their dress code motto is, "From waders to tuxedos, come as you are!"

There was this guy standing outside of the place with a podium, but he didn't seem to be doing anything. We asked him what he was and he joked that he's security, to which I replied, "in that case, I'll be seeing you later." We stood and talked to him for a minute, and I still have no idea what he was doing out there. I'm just amazed at how friendly people are here. Everyone! Kevin and Ed have been pondering whether or not everyone is stoned, because they're deliriously happy. Even the flag holders at construction sites who've been standing there for 10 hours wave with big delirious grins on their faces like they're especially happy to see you. Their shifts are 16 hours with a half hour break because they have to rush to get the roads done before winter. I'm not sure I'd be grinning from ear to ear after standing in the sun or rain for that many hours.

The menu was really good, obviously highlighting local seafood. I got a warm spinach salad to start, and boy was it good. It was baby spinach leaves, feta (which was really good quality), and small pieces of bacon with a sweet warm dressing on the side, which I think was made with dates. Very good. Next time I go I might just get that salad as a meal. Then I had the salmon, of course. It was wasabi ginger salmon with a side of jasmine rice topped with toasted coconut. All very good. They also had Malbec by the glass, which I don't see often. I ended up getting Pinot Noir, though. I didn't want white wine with my fish, so I asked if the waitress had tried any of the wines they serve by the glass. She said, "yes, actually, I'm a Wino!" So I asked her which had the lightest/mildest flavor that the fish would have a fighting chance against and she recommended a specific Pinot, which was pretty good. I don't remember what it was. I asked about dessert, but none of them sounded great. I was also incredibly full, but I have been known to get a dessert to take home for later.

During dinner an older guy at the table next to us almost choked to death. Seriously. They tried the Heimlich maneuver for a while, but it didn't seem to be working. In my opinion, they started using it too early, because he was still coughing when they began. That's a no-no if I remember CPR training correctly. You're supposed to start if they can't cough. When it got serious people got up to help from one table, another woman was waving her arms screaming, "MEDIC!!" (what does she think she's on a battle field or something?). The Heimlich came through soon after. What a commotion! I hate situations like that because people in the restaurant have no tact, they just stare at the guy like he's a spectacle. Jeesh, leave him alone and let him recover. He probably feels awkward enough as it is, give him some space. It was pretty scary, though. Freaked me out a little.

Other than that whole thing, the dinner was a good one.

More delaying here. I went to a place that does chainsaw carving today and it was NEAT. I'll write about it and post pictures tomorrow.

One more little note: More stuff has been added to Smiley Rock Rd. Now in one of the clearings there's a flock of lawn flamingos. Ha!


Eckarah said...

Katie O actually watched someone die a couple weeks ago. He choked on a piece of steak. It is incredibly scary how quick your life can be taken away from you. I've actually been taken over by that fear a little more often lately... I don't like it.

tara said...

yikes, I don't know how I'd handle it if he actually did die. scary. a friend of a friend of Frenchy's went rafting with his two kids (ages 14 and something close to that) - lent someone else his life jacket, they got stuck on a rock so he got out to push the boat, a rapid came and washed him away. his son just saw his head poke up once and he was gone. That really made me think about how quickly it can be taken away. It doesn't consume me, though. I'd imagine it does you because you have young kids.