I got one from Amazon.com, which had the stuff I ordered with the gift card Bank of America gave me for being suck jerks.
I got another from Erica, which had my phone charger, lots of sunflower seed butter, a baby Red Sox outfit (to put on one of the stuffed animals on smiley rock rd), and some Tyler Art. He traced his hand and did a lovely painting. Sometimes I think kids are more artistic than adults because they paint with reckless abandon. Adults spend too much time planning and trying to make things look 'right.' My favorite painting of my own is one that I didn't really think about when I did it. I just played around with shading and techniques and told myself not to worry about it because if it looked ugly I could always paint over it. When I was doing it I wasn't thinking that I was making a painting that would ever be a finished product. That's when I realized I should train myself not to overthink things. I'm sure that sort of 'training' would carry over well into other parts of my life, too. Another of my paintings, the tree, was sort of the same. I just kept adding to it bit by bit, thinking I'd make it a finished product another day when I had some time to sit down with it. I actually planned on adding to that one a little more, but that's not gonna happen now, seeing as it's in Sweden! Maybe the key to art is NOT finishing. It's like how they say you should get completely dressed before you go out then look in the mirror and take one accessory off, and only THEN are you ready. With painting and drawing you can't take things away, so I guess it's best to never finish to avoid overdoing it.
Enough about that. The final package I got was from Mother dearest. What she sent was perishable, so I've been wondering what it is all week. HERBS!!! woohooooo! I was excited to see them. I've been complaining on here about the price and quality of them here, so that was a nice surprise. I've been a horrible cook while here for some reason, and I just decided to use lack of quality ingredients as my scapegoat. I'm so full of crap! She also sent a Celtics championship shirt, which was good. It's weird to be away from the obsessive world of Boston sports when there are big things going on. Nobody here riots over sports. What's the deal with that?
And here's the best part of her package:

did the herbs survive? They were picked from my garden, so really fresh. I forgot to send mint, that will be next. LOVE YOU
Yep, they made it in good shape. OOh, mint would be good in fruit salad. . . or a mojito.
Thank you VERY much.
So you did send the paintings to Sweden. By what means did they end up going? What did you ask for in return?
i know she sent them. i sent two from here! sent usps. but good question, what did you ask for in return???
I haven't gotten a reply yet from them. . . yup, I asked for a doozey.
I actually gave them a choice, too. They were all outlandish. My favorite request, which I'm sure they won't do, was for them to make one of my paintings their next album cover. hahaha! I WISH. Not a snowball's chance in hell.
I let you know when I hear from them.
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