Friday, August 1, 2008


We have bears!!!

A mom and two cubs just walked through our yard! The cubs stayed by the edge of the woods while the mom came over and checked out the grill. I didn't get to see that part, but Kevin's sending me his pictures of it. I was inside my cabin and I heard Kevin calling my name. I got up and headed out just in time to see their little bums moseying into the woods. A lot of salmon has been cooked on that grill, so apparently she got a whiff of some remnants.

I'll be taking a look out my window before I walk out the door from now on, thank you very much. I just wish I had a peep-hole in my door so I could see in that direction - the windows are on either side of the cabin and the door is on the front, so I can't see in front of the door from the windows. I've actually been thinking I wish I had a peep-hole anyways because it's nice to know who you're opening up the door for!

I hope the bears come back so I can see them in their entirety.


Anonymous said...

I wish the bears waited until I was there! That's so great!! How thick is your cabin door? I'll bring you a little peep hole present when I come! And we'll put it in while I'm there.
Just ran into Penny Gardner at Unos and we said HI and she was with a friend. We mentioned you and the friend said she is going on the 12th to see her daughter in Alaska. But it gets better. We said we just came back from Aruba, and she just came back a few weeks before us. It's a small world! She said I had to see Denali. What say you?

tara said...

Not worth fixing the door - I'll be leaving the cabins to drive home right around the time you head back home, so no need.

I won't know if I can go to Denali until a few days before because I never know if I'll have more guests coming in then. It's enough of a drive that you'd have to stay overnight up there. They do flightseeing tours out of anchorage over Denali that are supposedly AMAZING. I saw some pictures from a guest and they were incredible. It's a bit expensive, though (as is everything here).