Saturday, August 16, 2008

I have visitors!

Alright, so I've been seriously slacking the past few days. . . or more.

It's been a busy week around here. Frenchy headed to Thailand, so there was lots to get done before she left, which kept me busy. I also had lots to do before the arrival of my visitors so that I don't have to do much while they're here. Friends and Dad arrived the past few days, which I'm extremely happy about. I picked them up from the Airport the past few days, which actually worked out great. It was great to make the drive from here to Anchorage again because it's an amazing drive. So much has changed since I was last up that way - almost all of the snow is gone! I expected it, but things still look so incredibly different. I'm so glad I had the benefit of seeing it both snowy and not. Just beautiful both ways.

I drove up last night to get Dervid and we stayed at the B&B for the night and headed out in the morning. We ended up leaving much later than I planned because we helped Denise (who is manning the B&B while Frenchy is out of town) do breakfast for the guests and other tasks. It worked out well because some of the rain cleared up as the morning progressed, making the drive a bit nicer for sightseeing. I felt bad, though, because it meant my friends, who were already at the cabins, were stranded until I got back. They ended up heading out to the store a while after I got back to get some stuff. I was really stressed out because I didn't get any sleep (long story) and we had weirdness going on with guests and I didn't know what to do with everyone at that point. I was standing around with everyone my decisions impacted - all of them staring at me waiting for me to figure things out. As Kevin and Ed might say, my broom came out in full force. While they went to the store I took a shower, had a sandwich, and started watching a movie with Dervid and felt much better. I think the shower was extra helpful because I had a chance to mull things over on my own for a bit. Showers are thinking time for me.

Tyler and Brad have been doing a bunch of fishing already. They caught a bunch of fish their first day out. They got one big Silver and several Pinks, both types of salmon. Contrary to popular belief around here, the pinks made for some really great eating. Brad is really in his element here because he's really what you'd consider and outdoorsmen (hunting, fishing. . . ), so he's taught us a thing or two. The other night he taught fish fileting 101. Tyler tried his hand at it and got a few good filets out. Nothing is ever easy the first time. The fish were slippery, too, which didn't help things, so I think we'll get some rubber dipped gloves that I keep seeing the fishermen using. When it came to Courtney, Lindsey and me, Brad's filet lesson fell on deaf ears. We were far too busy watching them, half disgusted, half fascinated.

We have lots more planned in the coming days, so I'm sure I'll have plenty more to write about. It's off to bed for me now, though. More later - right now it's BED TIME!


Eckarah said...

yup you're still slacking!

Anonymous said...

She's taking care of us and doing an exceptional job! Leave her alone!! We went salmon fishing Monday and Tara caught her limit before any of the guys, the show-off. It was great. I caught a 60lb King. What a fight. Sore in the morning! It's been a fruitful trip for Dervid. I'm loving my daughter, excuse me, daughters!

Anonymous said...

Hope my snoring didn't keep you up, hope you slept well, I love you sooo much!

Eckarah said...

Oh, the snoring! Ha ha ha...