Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good Riddance (potential) Backseat Driver!

My car is packed and this whole adventure is finally real to me. Everything is going well, except. . .

Everyone bailed on me (through no fault of their own - Job issues) and I'm going it alone at this point. I almost had a last minute road companion, but that fell through, too. I'm disappointed about that one, but that's another story.
My parents are worried about me being on the road alone for that long, but I'm honestly not worried at all. My mother keeps calling me asking me if I'm still driving. YES, Mom, I'm still driving! I don't know what she expects to change from day to day. Unless a car for me to use in AK magically appears so that I can fly up instead, I'm driving! I've checked and double checked my options and driving makes the most sense for my needs. Parents schmarents.

Driving alone doesn't bother me, in fact I prefer it most of the time. I spent a lot of time alone on the road while I worked at MMR and I developed an appreciation for it. It's nice to only worry about one person's taste in music, bladder and hunger. I'll admit that sometimes the highway is a bit of a racetrack to me, so it's also nice to drive how I will without worrying about the level of fear in the passenger seat. Similarly, it's nice to not have to sit in the passenger seat of my own car, white knuckled, trying not to be a backseat driver. Having one person in the car eliminates any possibility of backseat driving.

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