Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bore tide video. . . finally

Last week I finally edited the bore tide video. I realized when I looked at the picture I put up with the original bore tide post that people probably wouldn't notice the guy in the picture. So, go back and take a look - it adds some good scale to the picture. You now have the video for that, too

A little video explanation -
The tide was changing from low to high, so logic would say the current should be moving from open ocean (right) to the shore where the turnagain arm ends (left). BUT, this is a bore tide area, my friends, so things don't make sense. The tide was flowing left to right, except for an area straight across the way that was bordered by mudflats and was relatively still. All in all an odd scene.
at 0:55 listen to the ridiculous noise that comes out of my mouth as the camera goes unsteady. I hate hearing myself on video. I always watch the videos later and wish I just hadn't spoken. . . but that would have been awkward at the time, no? This noise makes me laugh, though, especially because of why I make it.

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