I know, I know, I've been seriously slacking. It's been a busy week and I'm just entering yet another busy week. I have lots to write about, though, so soon enough there will be reading material. I'm sitting in the airport right now waiting for my connection from Anchorage to Valdez. The little plane we took from Kenai to Anchorage was fun. I love planes and flying, so the smaller the plane the better. This one was probably about a 20-seater. A Beechcraft something or other. It's a small prop plane where you can see right into the cockpit to watch the pilots while flying. Wow, if I'm this excited about the flight portion of my journey, maybe I should stop paying for vacations and just start flying around instead. Reminds me of Martin Sexton lyrics: It's in the journey, when am I gonna see there's no destination.
I'm freakishly tired - 1.5 hours of sleep last night and only 5 or 6 the night before. Ouch! I had to get up at 2:30am to catch this flight and of course I couldn't fall asleep until 1am. Typical. I'm slightly delerious, so, though I have the time now, I'm going to opt to write more later when I've got a shred of sanity. Dervid only got a few hours last night, too, so I'll be surprised if we don't bite eachothers heads off by the end of the day.
So, just a bit of what's to come. This week I:
-hiked to a glacier
-went on a glacier cruise
-had king crab legs for the first time
-saw a grizzly (in captivity)
-went fishing for the first time ever (and schooled the men on the boat)
-saw a bore tide
-came close to freaking out several times due to lack of sleep and abundance of stress
-had a great time
and much more that I can't remember right now, I'm sure!
One other notable thing. I dropped Lindsey, Courtney, Tyler and Brad off at the airport yesterday and before they got out of the car, Lindsey said, "your dad was everything you said and more. I am not disappointed," in a slightly excited, but mostly matter of fact tone. HA! I think people think I'm exaggerating when I describe my looney bin family. If they only knew the half of it!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I have visitors!
Alright, so I've been seriously slacking the past few days. . . or more.
It's been a busy week around here. Frenchy headed to Thailand, so there was lots to get done before she left, which kept me busy. I also had lots to do before the arrival of my visitors so that I don't have to do much while they're here. Friends and Dad arrived the past few days, which I'm extremely happy about. I picked them up from the Airport the past few days, which actually worked out great. It was great to make the drive from here to Anchorage again because it's an amazing drive. So much has changed since I was last up that way - almost all of the snow is gone! I expected it, but things still look so incredibly different. I'm so glad I had the benefit of seeing it both snowy and not. Just beautiful both ways.
I drove up last night to get Dervid and we stayed at the B&B for the night and headed out in the morning. We ended up leaving much later than I planned because we helped Denise (who is manning the B&B while Frenchy is out of town) do breakfast for the guests and other tasks. It worked out well because some of the rain cleared up as the morning progressed, making the drive a bit nicer for sightseeing. I felt bad, though, because it meant my friends, who were already at the cabins, were stranded until I got back. They ended up heading out to the store a while after I got back to get some stuff. I was really stressed out because I didn't get any sleep (long story) and we had weirdness going on with guests and I didn't know what to do with everyone at that point. I was standing around with everyone my decisions impacted - all of them staring at me waiting for me to figure things out. As Kevin and Ed might say, my broom came out in full force. While they went to the store I took a shower, had a sandwich, and started watching a movie with Dervid and felt much better. I think the shower was extra helpful because I had a chance to mull things over on my own for a bit. Showers are thinking time for me.
Tyler and Brad have been doing a bunch of fishing already. They caught a bunch of fish their first day out. They got one big Silver and several Pinks, both types of salmon. Contrary to popular belief around here, the pinks made for some really great eating. Brad is really in his element here because he's really what you'd consider and outdoorsmen (hunting, fishing. . . ), so he's taught us a thing or two. The other night he taught fish fileting 101. Tyler tried his hand at it and got a few good filets out. Nothing is ever easy the first time. The fish were slippery, too, which didn't help things, so I think we'll get some rubber dipped gloves that I keep seeing the fishermen using. When it came to Courtney, Lindsey and me, Brad's filet lesson fell on deaf ears. We were far too busy watching them, half disgusted, half fascinated.
We have lots more planned in the coming days, so I'm sure I'll have plenty more to write about. It's off to bed for me now, though. More later - right now it's BED TIME!
It's been a busy week around here. Frenchy headed to Thailand, so there was lots to get done before she left, which kept me busy. I also had lots to do before the arrival of my visitors so that I don't have to do much while they're here. Friends and Dad arrived the past few days, which I'm extremely happy about. I picked them up from the Airport the past few days, which actually worked out great. It was great to make the drive from here to Anchorage again because it's an amazing drive. So much has changed since I was last up that way - almost all of the snow is gone! I expected it, but things still look so incredibly different. I'm so glad I had the benefit of seeing it both snowy and not. Just beautiful both ways.
I drove up last night to get Dervid and we stayed at the B&B for the night and headed out in the morning. We ended up leaving much later than I planned because we helped Denise (who is manning the B&B while Frenchy is out of town) do breakfast for the guests and other tasks. It worked out well because some of the rain cleared up as the morning progressed, making the drive a bit nicer for sightseeing. I felt bad, though, because it meant my friends, who were already at the cabins, were stranded until I got back. They ended up heading out to the store a while after I got back to get some stuff. I was really stressed out because I didn't get any sleep (long story) and we had weirdness going on with guests and I didn't know what to do with everyone at that point. I was standing around with everyone my decisions impacted - all of them staring at me waiting for me to figure things out. As Kevin and Ed might say, my broom came out in full force. While they went to the store I took a shower, had a sandwich, and started watching a movie with Dervid and felt much better. I think the shower was extra helpful because I had a chance to mull things over on my own for a bit. Showers are thinking time for me.
Tyler and Brad have been doing a bunch of fishing already. They caught a bunch of fish their first day out. They got one big Silver and several Pinks, both types of salmon. Contrary to popular belief around here, the pinks made for some really great eating. Brad is really in his element here because he's really what you'd consider and outdoorsmen (hunting, fishing. . . ), so he's taught us a thing or two. The other night he taught fish fileting 101. Tyler tried his hand at it and got a few good filets out. Nothing is ever easy the first time. The fish were slippery, too, which didn't help things, so I think we'll get some rubber dipped gloves that I keep seeing the fishermen using. When it came to Courtney, Lindsey and me, Brad's filet lesson fell on deaf ears. We were far too busy watching them, half disgusted, half fascinated.
We have lots more planned in the coming days, so I'm sure I'll have plenty more to write about. It's off to bed for me now, though. More later - right now it's BED TIME!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
More Weird weather
More hail today. What the heck is going on?! There was actually a bit of thunder, too. I only heard it twice and didn't see any lightning. The hail today was bigger than yesterday and there was a lot more of it. This time I got some video. I took two videos. I'm posting a short one of the hail bouncing off of the garage roof.
The other video I need to edit a bit before I put it up. It shows the hail piled up allover the place, but while I was taking the video I was talking to Ed and you can't hear what he's saying on the tape, you can only hear me, so I'm going to edit most of that part out. It's unfortunate because he was telling me about a time in Florida when it rained shrimp and fish and he thinks it must have been because a funnel cloud picked them up. Then he was talking about how the lake in his backyard now has shrimp in it. It was an interesting conversation, but unfortunately he was the only interesting part of it and he's the only bit you can't hear of the conversation.
The other video I need to edit a bit before I put it up. It shows the hail piled up allover the place, but while I was taking the video I was talking to Ed and you can't hear what he's saying on the tape, you can only hear me, so I'm going to edit most of that part out. It's unfortunate because he was telling me about a time in Florida when it rained shrimp and fish and he thinks it must have been because a funnel cloud picked them up. Then he was talking about how the lake in his backyard now has shrimp in it. It was an interesting conversation, but unfortunately he was the only interesting part of it and he's the only bit you can't hear of the conversation.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Weird weather
Today was a very strange weather day. It was beautiful most of the day - blue skies with big poofy white clouds. I started hearing these weird noises from inside, sorta like rain, except that the drops sounded MASSIVE and there was almost too much time between drops for it to be rain. I went outside and it was hailing!! Whaaaa? It wasn't huge hail, slightly larger than a pea, but it was raining at the same time, BIG drops and it was wicked cold rain. The electrician was here at the time and he was just as baffled as we were, which tells me it's quite out of the ordinary because he's been living here for a looooong time.
The other weird thing about this rain was that it was blue skies and white puffy clouds all around. There was one small suspicious looking cloud, but other than that it was a sunny beautiful day.
Apparently it hailed in Anchorage yesterday, too, except that they got a thunderstorm along with it. I'm so jealous!! I love thunderstorms! It's VERY out of the ordinary to get a thunderstorm up here. Hopefully I'll get a few late season storms at home.
The other weird thing about this rain was that it was blue skies and white puffy clouds all around. There was one small suspicious looking cloud, but other than that it was a sunny beautiful day.
Apparently it hailed in Anchorage yesterday, too, except that they got a thunderstorm along with it. I'm so jealous!! I love thunderstorms! It's VERY out of the ordinary to get a thunderstorm up here. Hopefully I'll get a few late season storms at home.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Shoe Mission: Impossible
The other day I went searching for shoes to wear with my bridesmaid dress for Lindsey's wedding. Oye! I set off on the road with no idea where I'd even begin looking. I mean, if hip-length waders would match the dress, I'd be all set.
This is the dress I'm wearing:

And this is the color of the dress:
I found a "mall." in Soldotna. If anyone has ever been to the "mall" in Billerica, MA where the K-mart is, then you know what I mean when I put quotes around the word mall. It's like a defunct mall with room for about 6 stores (mostly small weird stores) and only half of it is occupied. It's like a ghost town mall. This one happened to have a Payless shoe store there. Unfortunately, they didn't have ANY shoes that would remotely work.
Next up was Gottschalks. It was my first time in - it's apparently where the entire Kenai Peninsula has to shop for department store items - you know, like clothes that aren't Realtree print and shoes that aren't made to be planted at the bottom of a river for hours as you cast over and over and over trying to land the big one. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the only place aside from thrift shops that you can find this sort of shopping. The shoe selection was pitiful. It was all clunky leather sandals. There were about two pairs of shoes that might pass as dressy, but they were all wrong for the dress I needed to match. Wrong, meaning one pair was red and the other pair looked appropriate for a hooker. I asked the girl at the register if they have shoes on the Kenai Peninsula. She gave me a look that wasn't reassuring and told me I'd be better off going to Anchorage. She then said I might try a bridal shop, which happened to be right near where I live.
I go to the bridal shop. They had about 10 pairs to choose from:
There were the clear plastic ones with a dash of rhinestones to look like a little strap. Not only are they hideous, but the clear part isn't making it look like you're wearing a strappy shoe, it makes it look like you're too wimpy to suck it up and wear strappy shoes and it makes me think of how sweaty your feet must be under that oh so obvious plastic. Let's keep the PVC out of wearable items, please. The shoe below is almost exactly what I saw there:

There were also several pairs of white dyeable shoes. Have you ever looked at bridal shoes? they're all awkward and always seem like they're a couple of generations late fashion-wise. No thanks. Plus, I'm not about to go mixing up a batch of dye. I'm just not.

Even if I wanted any of these shoes, I couldn't have them. Their entire stock was on the floor, which amounted to a few sizes for each shoe type. So, what was left? Well, there were the flat sandals that belonged on a belly dancer. There was more junk hanging off of the many straps of those shoes. I couldn't even untangle them, nevermind fathom trying them on. Then there were the gold ones, which won't work with the dress. The dress requires a grey or possibly silver shoe.
This left just one pair (they happened to be on sale, which is nice, because despite being ugly as a rule, shoes in bridal shops are usually expensive). The shoes aren't hideous, but they definitely wouldn't have been my first choice. They've got one of those ankle straps that wrap around a few times and travel up your leg a bit. So not me. There's just one issue. . .I'm a size 9, sometimes a 9.5. They had an 8.5 and a 10. I ended up buying a shoe that's one size too big for me because it was the ONLY shoe on the Kenai Peninsula that remotely fit my needs. I will laugh every time I see those shoes. I'll also laugh when I fall while walking down the aisle at the wedding and profusely apologize to the people sitting near my landing site, saying, "I'm so sorry, I got these shoes in Alaska," as if they should understand why that explains my faulty shoes.
They just don't deal in dressy shoes on the Kenai Peninsula. Period.
This is the dress I'm wearing:

And this is the color of the dress:

I found a "mall." in Soldotna. If anyone has ever been to the "mall" in Billerica, MA where the K-mart is, then you know what I mean when I put quotes around the word mall. It's like a defunct mall with room for about 6 stores (mostly small weird stores) and only half of it is occupied. It's like a ghost town mall. This one happened to have a Payless shoe store there. Unfortunately, they didn't have ANY shoes that would remotely work.
Next up was Gottschalks. It was my first time in - it's apparently where the entire Kenai Peninsula has to shop for department store items - you know, like clothes that aren't Realtree print and shoes that aren't made to be planted at the bottom of a river for hours as you cast over and over and over trying to land the big one. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the only place aside from thrift shops that you can find this sort of shopping. The shoe selection was pitiful. It was all clunky leather sandals. There were about two pairs of shoes that might pass as dressy, but they were all wrong for the dress I needed to match. Wrong, meaning one pair was red and the other pair looked appropriate for a hooker. I asked the girl at the register if they have shoes on the Kenai Peninsula. She gave me a look that wasn't reassuring and told me I'd be better off going to Anchorage. She then said I might try a bridal shop, which happened to be right near where I live.
I go to the bridal shop. They had about 10 pairs to choose from:
There were the clear plastic ones with a dash of rhinestones to look like a little strap. Not only are they hideous, but the clear part isn't making it look like you're wearing a strappy shoe, it makes it look like you're too wimpy to suck it up and wear strappy shoes and it makes me think of how sweaty your feet must be under that oh so obvious plastic. Let's keep the PVC out of wearable items, please. The shoe below is almost exactly what I saw there:

There were also several pairs of white dyeable shoes. Have you ever looked at bridal shoes? they're all awkward and always seem like they're a couple of generations late fashion-wise. No thanks. Plus, I'm not about to go mixing up a batch of dye. I'm just not.

Even if I wanted any of these shoes, I couldn't have them. Their entire stock was on the floor, which amounted to a few sizes for each shoe type. So, what was left? Well, there were the flat sandals that belonged on a belly dancer. There was more junk hanging off of the many straps of those shoes. I couldn't even untangle them, nevermind fathom trying them on. Then there were the gold ones, which won't work with the dress. The dress requires a grey or possibly silver shoe.
This left just one pair (they happened to be on sale, which is nice, because despite being ugly as a rule, shoes in bridal shops are usually expensive). The shoes aren't hideous, but they definitely wouldn't have been my first choice. They've got one of those ankle straps that wrap around a few times and travel up your leg a bit. So not me. There's just one issue. . .I'm a size 9, sometimes a 9.5. They had an 8.5 and a 10. I ended up buying a shoe that's one size too big for me because it was the ONLY shoe on the Kenai Peninsula that remotely fit my needs. I will laugh every time I see those shoes. I'll also laugh when I fall while walking down the aisle at the wedding and profusely apologize to the people sitting near my landing site, saying, "I'm so sorry, I got these shoes in Alaska," as if they should understand why that explains my faulty shoes.
They just don't deal in dressy shoes on the Kenai Peninsula. Period.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Da Bears
Yesterday evening I pulled up to the driveway and was greeted by just about every guest staying with us right now (12 people). I didn't think they were that excited for my return, so I rolled down the window to see what was going on. Turned out the sow with her two cubs walked by right before I pulled up. I missed it again!
I was up early this morning seeing off some guests and a bear came by! It wasn't the one with the cubs, though. I wish I had my camera handy, because it walked right across the stoop of my cabin. That would have been a neat picture to show people where I live. . .
I was a bit surprised by the size of the bear. It was a black bear, not a brown, so I knew it wouldn't be huge, but I'm still surprised by how small it was. It's really unfortunate they're dangerous, because they're really quite adorable. One other thing I noted is the way they walk.Most quadrupeds alternate feet when they walk, meaning the front right/back left legs and the front left/back right legs move together at the same time. Black bears move both legs on their right side together, then their left, then right, etc., so when they walk they have quite a little clumsy strut going on. Very cute. I know there's a name for that walking pattern, but I can't remember it right now.
And on to the good stuff. Pictures! These are from the first time the bears came by when I got out just in time to see their rumps going into the woods.
I love this picture because you can see the paw. . . and the tree kevin chopped down with his target practice. whoops.
not the clearest picture, but I love how you can see the tongue curling out of her mouth. I'm assuming it's got something to do with helping her smell because it's in a few other pictures, too.
awwwww, the babies!
This is my favorite picture in the set. I love how one cub is looking right at the camera - those ears, I love 'em! And the other cub is nudging him! so cute.
running to catch up with momma bear

Good profile picture - it also shows what I mean about their walking.
Before they disappeared off into the woods. Make sure you check out the next picture, which is a detail of this one
ahhh! scary teeth! Bad baby cub!
And some moose pictures for good measure. This guy was in our yard right around the same time as the bears, which is why Kevin had his camera ready. Actually, now that I think of it, this moose was a girl, not a guy. These are pretty good pictures, too. Kevin is actually a professional photographer. He doesn't do it anymore because, as he says, he got sick of crouching in bushes waiting for things to happen.

And, because this post just isn't long enough yet: When the bear was roaming around this morning the neighbors got REALLY mad. the bear wandered down a neighbor's driveway and I heard a guy say, "bear, you're gonna die!" oye. He then proceeded to chase it back through our yard and into the woods, toting a .44, of course. I understand that people want the area to be safe and they don't want dangerous animals hanging out in their yards, but when it comes down to it, we're in the bear's habitat! The guy that chased the bear away lives right on the river, so the bear was probably just hungry and trying to get to the river for a meal. If the bear was hanging out in your yard picking at your trash, I could see getting a bit worried because if the bear gets too accustomed to finding meals near people's houses then they'll always hang around them, which is asking for trouble. The bears just wander on by, though. They don't hang around! Luckily he didn't shoot the bear.
Crazy Alaskan neighbors. I have another crazy Alaskan neighbor story, but I'll save that for later to avoid making this post into a novel.
I was up early this morning seeing off some guests and a bear came by! It wasn't the one with the cubs, though. I wish I had my camera handy, because it walked right across the stoop of my cabin. That would have been a neat picture to show people where I live. . .
I was a bit surprised by the size of the bear. It was a black bear, not a brown, so I knew it wouldn't be huge, but I'm still surprised by how small it was. It's really unfortunate they're dangerous, because they're really quite adorable. One other thing I noted is the way they walk.Most quadrupeds alternate feet when they walk, meaning the front right/back left legs and the front left/back right legs move together at the same time. Black bears move both legs on their right side together, then their left, then right, etc., so when they walk they have quite a little clumsy strut going on. Very cute. I know there's a name for that walking pattern, but I can't remember it right now.
And on to the good stuff. Pictures! These are from the first time the bears came by when I got out just in time to see their rumps going into the woods.
I love this picture because you can see the paw. . . and the tree kevin chopped down with his target practice. whoops.

not the clearest picture, but I love how you can see the tongue curling out of her mouth. I'm assuming it's got something to do with helping her smell because it's in a few other pictures, too.

awwwww, the babies!

This is my favorite picture in the set. I love how one cub is looking right at the camera - those ears, I love 'em! And the other cub is nudging him! so cute.

running to catch up with momma bear

Good profile picture - it also shows what I mean about their walking.

Before they disappeared off into the woods. Make sure you check out the next picture, which is a detail of this one

ahhh! scary teeth! Bad baby cub!

And some moose pictures for good measure. This guy was in our yard right around the same time as the bears, which is why Kevin had his camera ready. Actually, now that I think of it, this moose was a girl, not a guy. These are pretty good pictures, too. Kevin is actually a professional photographer. He doesn't do it anymore because, as he says, he got sick of crouching in bushes waiting for things to happen.

And, because this post just isn't long enough yet: When the bear was roaming around this morning the neighbors got REALLY mad. the bear wandered down a neighbor's driveway and I heard a guy say, "bear, you're gonna die!" oye. He then proceeded to chase it back through our yard and into the woods, toting a .44, of course. I understand that people want the area to be safe and they don't want dangerous animals hanging out in their yards, but when it comes down to it, we're in the bear's habitat! The guy that chased the bear away lives right on the river, so the bear was probably just hungry and trying to get to the river for a meal. If the bear was hanging out in your yard picking at your trash, I could see getting a bit worried because if the bear gets too accustomed to finding meals near people's houses then they'll always hang around them, which is asking for trouble. The bears just wander on by, though. They don't hang around! Luckily he didn't shoot the bear.
Crazy Alaskan neighbors. I have another crazy Alaskan neighbor story, but I'll save that for later to avoid making this post into a novel.
Friday, August 1, 2008
We have bears!!!
A mom and two cubs just walked through our yard! The cubs stayed by the edge of the woods while the mom came over and checked out the grill. I didn't get to see that part, but Kevin's sending me his pictures of it. I was inside my cabin and I heard Kevin calling my name. I got up and headed out just in time to see their little bums moseying into the woods. A lot of salmon has been cooked on that grill, so apparently she got a whiff of some remnants.
I'll be taking a look out my window before I walk out the door from now on, thank you very much. I just wish I had a peep-hole in my door so I could see in that direction - the windows are on either side of the cabin and the door is on the front, so I can't see in front of the door from the windows. I've actually been thinking I wish I had a peep-hole anyways because it's nice to know who you're opening up the door for!
I hope the bears come back so I can see them in their entirety.
A mom and two cubs just walked through our yard! The cubs stayed by the edge of the woods while the mom came over and checked out the grill. I didn't get to see that part, but Kevin's sending me his pictures of it. I was inside my cabin and I heard Kevin calling my name. I got up and headed out just in time to see their little bums moseying into the woods. A lot of salmon has been cooked on that grill, so apparently she got a whiff of some remnants.
I'll be taking a look out my window before I walk out the door from now on, thank you very much. I just wish I had a peep-hole in my door so I could see in that direction - the windows are on either side of the cabin and the door is on the front, so I can't see in front of the door from the windows. I've actually been thinking I wish I had a peep-hole anyways because it's nice to know who you're opening up the door for!
I hope the bears come back so I can see them in their entirety.
Does it go vroom-vroom?
The guys that just flew in yesterday are hysterical. I'm sorta glad the 'cruise director' gave me the cast of characters ahead of time because when I met them it was immediately evident who was who from the descriptions (thank goodness for the guy with the british accent, otherwise I would have had trouble with that distinction). I posted part of his email before. Here's the link to the post in case you haven't been able to keep up with the bagillion posts I've got on here.
I could tell who Pat was when he held up a big fancy professional camera and asked me how he would go about taking it on a fishing charter with him. My answer: you don't. I let him borrow my waterproof camera. I have faith he'll take good care of it. Anybody with that many gadgets has to be pretty good at looking after them, I'd say. He was thrilled to have it, so I'm glad it made him happy.
Geoff was easy to figure out because of said British accent.
Richard was the first one I talked to and definitely had the cruise director aire about him. The man in charge! (he's also the one that's taking me flying)
Vince, I figured out only by deduction.
The sons, Ted and Wes - I'm still not sure who is who. I'll figure it out.
They're a fun bunch, so I'll probably have a good time with them this week. They showed me a picture of the halibut they caught (they stopped somewhere on the way up here and stayed for a few days to do some fishing), which was practically as big as me. Actually, now that I think of it, it weighed about as much as I do. When I go halibut fishing I need to catch one of those badboys. If you catch one that weighs more than you then your charter is free. Pretty sweet deal. All the more reason to stay in shape, I guess. . .
These guys actually arrived a day early becaue they gave themselves a weather day and didn't end up needing it. When they got to the Soldotna airport they were looking for a car rental place and none of them had cars. I called around a bit for them, too, with no luck. Finally they called Rent-a-Wreck and were practically begging for a car. With six men they needed a van or something, too, which limited their options even further. Rent-a-Wreck said they miiiiiiiight have something, but. . . and Richard told them he didn't care what it was, as long as it goes vroom-vroom! He then heard the girl say to the other person working, "he just wants something that goes vroom-vroom." That's classic. And this is my favorite part - They ended up with a van that was hit by a moose! How hysterical is that?! The rental agency is aptly named. They keep saying the car was hit by the moose, but I'm thinking it was probably the other way around. Anyway, the windshield is pretty smashed and the hood is a bit dented, but it definitely goes vroom-vroom.
I could tell who Pat was when he held up a big fancy professional camera and asked me how he would go about taking it on a fishing charter with him. My answer: you don't. I let him borrow my waterproof camera. I have faith he'll take good care of it. Anybody with that many gadgets has to be pretty good at looking after them, I'd say. He was thrilled to have it, so I'm glad it made him happy.
Geoff was easy to figure out because of said British accent.
Richard was the first one I talked to and definitely had the cruise director aire about him. The man in charge! (he's also the one that's taking me flying)
Vince, I figured out only by deduction.
The sons, Ted and Wes - I'm still not sure who is who. I'll figure it out.
They're a fun bunch, so I'll probably have a good time with them this week. They showed me a picture of the halibut they caught (they stopped somewhere on the way up here and stayed for a few days to do some fishing), which was practically as big as me. Actually, now that I think of it, it weighed about as much as I do. When I go halibut fishing I need to catch one of those badboys. If you catch one that weighs more than you then your charter is free. Pretty sweet deal. All the more reason to stay in shape, I guess. . .
These guys actually arrived a day early becaue they gave themselves a weather day and didn't end up needing it. When they got to the Soldotna airport they were looking for a car rental place and none of them had cars. I called around a bit for them, too, with no luck. Finally they called Rent-a-Wreck and were practically begging for a car. With six men they needed a van or something, too, which limited their options even further. Rent-a-Wreck said they miiiiiiiight have something, but. . . and Richard told them he didn't care what it was, as long as it goes vroom-vroom! He then heard the girl say to the other person working, "he just wants something that goes vroom-vroom." That's classic. And this is my favorite part - They ended up with a van that was hit by a moose! How hysterical is that?! The rental agency is aptly named. They keep saying the car was hit by the moose, but I'm thinking it was probably the other way around. Anyway, the windshield is pretty smashed and the hood is a bit dented, but it definitely goes vroom-vroom.
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