Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I will be heading to Alaska this summer.  I plan on driving out there at the end of April/beginning of May to arrive around May 8th.  I will spend most of May exploring the state before I settle in on the Kenai Peninsula for the rest of the summer.  I'll be living in a cabin on the Kenai River in the small town of Sterling, AK.  

So, those are the major details.  At the urging of a smart family member (thank you, Phyllis) I've decided to keep a blog of my Alaskan adventures.  I'll plan on posting nearly daily for my drive up there and for my stay.  I'm also going to get a few posts up before I head out there to detail my preparation and a little bit of info about where I'll be and what I plan on doing.  I'll also be able to post slideshows.  I plan on taking a LOT of pictures while I'm there.  Until then, I've posted a few pictures of where I'll be.

If all goes as planned, in addition to being a family and friends updater, this should become a good little diary of sorts to keep for my memory.  I'm going to enable comments, so feel free to leave me comments, ask questions or make suggestions if you have them.